
Canal Adventure

Posted on June 3, 2016 by Admin under Uncategorized

I thought I’d take some time off work! We had had a very busy schedule! I thought I deserved some time off! So we thought – let’s have a Canal Adventure. So along came the opportunity to spend a week aboard a narrow boat heading up to the Coventry Basin. It sounded like a great idea!

All the arrangements were made! We packed a bag with what we thought we needed for the weeks trip! Including a nice bottle of Welsh Whisky!!

There was one thing or a few things I left behind! No cameras, No Camcorders, No Drones! There was no way on this canal adventure was I going to ‘work’!

But you know, with photography, I guess it’s in your blood. So as the trip started to progress I couldn’t resist taking a few pics, then I thought this would be great to video! But no equipment!! All I had was my iPhone 6+

Any way so that’s what I did, took a few scenes on the iPhone and this is the result!

Canal Adventure on board A Narrow Escape!

I hope you agree that this short video conveys the easy pace and relaxing feel you get when you’re on the canals. You can’t hurry, everything has to be done at the pace dictated by what’s going on around you at the time.

It was fascinating to see the difference in the way the boats were handled. I mean the difference between holiday users, maybe doing so for the first time, and boat owners that had coursed the canals for many years.

We came across one or two of the first kind that looked terrified as they crashed into moored boats, much to the chagrin of their occupants.

Any way thanks to our season skipper Chris and his wife Sue, we had a great time. Their boat, A Narrow Escape was a beautifully equipped Narrow Boat designed by Chris!


Canal adventure on Narrow Escape


Canal Adventure – negotiating a lock


SKM Studio a canal adventure


Canal side cottage


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